
About Anae Campbell

Anae Campbell has been here since the Roswell Incident—she was born in 1945 in Roswell. Her daddy was a preacher and her momma was a nurse. She grew up mostly in New Mexico and Wyoming, many times under the care of friends and parishioners. At the age of three, she was put into the first iron lung in New Mexico with severe polio and meningitis. She lived without her parents during this time as they were in her hometown far from the hospital working for a living.

She led an interesting life with a daddy she adored who suffered from tuberculosis and a momma who was less than nurturing and caring, to put it nicely. As one might imagine she has many stories to tell.

Anae's Bio

In 1966, Anae’s oldest daughter was born and Anae began her journey as a mother.
In 1987, her baby girl left this world to teach Anae of spirit.




In 1968, Anae’s only son, born with cerebral palsy, began her journey of learning the physical. This is where her passion to heal him became her career and life’s work.

Anae's Bio



In 1975, the experience of the inner-world of the emotional and mental state was born via her youngest daughter.
That would be me telling you her story at this moment.



So let us step back a moment to 1968: Anae took a traumatic fall down a set of stairs while pregnant and subsequently went into labor. Her son was born, two months prematurely, with cerebral palsy a condition that went undiagnosed until he was three. He was born without heels and Anae was told that her son would never walk, never speak, and never even be able to feed himself. She was told to put him in a home and forget about him. Anae shares, “This was long before we knew that the brain itself can change, grow, and heal.” Thus began the young mother’s long quest to change his life, her life, and later thousands of others. She studied and experimented with many disciplines, beginning with nutrition and continuing on to physical healing arts like CranioSacral Therapy. The turning point for her was Neuro Linguistic Programming, providing the understanding and technique for building new neural pathways that accelerated her son’s healing dramatically. Anae said, “NLP gave me a context for understanding how stories affect the brain. From the social ostracism and defamation we had experienced, I had learned a lot about how the mind creates stories and believes them to be true. My son did not fit those stories. We endured them and refused to accept the labels put upon him. So we wrote a new story.”

Conventional medicine had no answers for her, so she embraced learning everything she could by taking classes, workshops, and seminars. Anae has been quoted saying, “I was a workshop junkie for 20 or more years, and I guess I still am; I attend all of them I teach.”

The first workshop she ever took she states, “I wanted to learn something about personality traits so I took handwriting analysis. It was the first place I learned that how you are has nothing to do with me. This was 1969, my teacher was a handwriting analyst for the Dallas Police Department. Her job really brought it home to me that handwriting was important.”

She reminisces about the one workshop she will never forget, “There was once a teacher known as the Tooth Fairy, no joke, $25 for an all day class on Saturday in Alchemy. This Saturday I was introduced to my true self. From this point forward, I had this statement placed on all my business cards and still do: ‘The lead that once seemed to weigh us down and keep us from rising into joy is transmuted into the gold of good that reflects the light of Heaven.’ Out of some weird irony 10 years later, I asked the printer to make my job title Alchemist. I never connected until the cards arrived in the mail that my quote meant Alchemy. An ‘Ah Ha’ moment for sure.”

Her most influential workshop, “Technical Remote Viewing was the most influential training of all of my 53 something workshops because it pulled everything I had learned together. In addition, it revealed my purpose. It taught me to weave the tapestry.”

I asked her about the worst class just for balance sake, “The worst class I ever took was my Bach Flower certification, the teacher’s name was Leslie. I often go to a class and I am there on purpose not for the learning of that particular class. I went to this class with the expectation of a holy man, and he was NOT so holy. All but two, including myself, of the 140 students asked for their money back— the class was so bad.”

Her resume is chalk full of amazing and diverse careers, but everything always led her back to health and wellness. In the 1980’s, Anae owned and operated a health food store in the Houston area for 9 years and was an herbal consultant to almost 70 health food stores in the surrounding area. In addition, Anae has proven, with 30 plus years of experience, to be a brilliant developer and formulator of healing and healthy supplements for people, cattle, many horses, and a few dogs too.

Sadly during the subsequent flash flooding from Hurricane Dolly in 2008 all of Anae’s certifications and diplomas were destroyed by mold and water damage. She shares her feelings, just naming their names, as she lists her mentors and the many amazing people she was privileged enough to sit at their feet. These people helped her to become the amazing healer and teacher that she is today. With their knowledge and her vast ability she has created her life’s work, called Neuro Integration…this is her legacy.

“I feel incredibly blessed, honored, and privileged to have studied with the greats of the alternative and complementary health field, many of which are my spirit guides in my intuitive healing: Victor Beasley, Dr. John Christopher, Dr. Bernhard Jenson, Dr. Andrija Puharich, Dr. George Merkl, Frank Natale, Joseph Campbell, Don Campbell, Hanna Kroeger, Dr. Hazel Parcells, Bearheart, Dr. Edward Wallace Campbell Jr., and Nickolette Campbell. And of course, the fabulous and still with us, Jean Houston.

And then there was Alice…”


“The training I resonate most with is my Native American Medicine it is my reverence.”Bear Heart

Bearheart: Marcus Williams (1918-2008)

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