I think of the day when my daughter became my best friend (the truest meaning of a friend). Our ability to work and play together is at the highest of all experiences one’s life could be. Joli is a work in progress. Daily, she lives to the best of her ability. She makes me proud to be called Mom, friend, teacher, storyteller, medicine woman and healer for to recognize that in me is to see and live all those qualities herself. The only kid in American schools who came home with a report card saying, “your child is too honest.” Wow, she makes me smile. Enjoy a cup of coffee with us and read how she replied to the same questions she posed to me. ~Anae
You can see what she does at her website: JoliCampbell.com
Anae: In what way is your life remarkable?
Joli: That I live it.
Anae: In what way was your life despicable?
Joli: I guess that it was so difficult to learn how to live life with all of my society’s influences.
Anae: In what way is your life admirable?
Joli: It is admirable because if someone were to know my story, I didn’t just survive it, I triumphed over it.
Anae: What human qualities are most influential in shaping the way you live and influence your lifestyle?
Joli: Ultimate respect for self and others. Being a responsible human being. And what is responsible…you either get it or you get it…my mom taught me that. Blatant honesty! YEA!
Anae: Which quality or trait proved most troubling and difficult?
Joli: Respect, because we are not in a respectful kind of world. Learning to give respect in that world is an awesome challenge.
Anae: Which quality or trait was most beneficial?
Joli: Blatant honesty. You give it—you get it.
Anae: Did you make any major mistakes or bad decisions? If so, which were most life changing?
Joli: No…Everything happens for a reason.
Anae: What are the two or three most important lessons a person might learn from the way you live?
Joli: Honesty and to live honestly. Integrity. Having a good since of humor. If I didn’t laugh I might cry.
Anae: What is the most defining moment in your life?
Joli: This is tough as there are many. When the lessons in your life are paid attention to and learned from none is more important than the other is.
Anae: Who were your greatest mentors? Why?
Joli: My father for teaching me to want to do it differently. My mother for teaching me how to do it differently and for being there for me every step of the way. My dogs for teaching me uninhibited joy, love and loyalty. Victor Beasley for teaching me how to play in my own yard. Dr. Phil McGraw for how to name it, claim it and walk away. Mrs. Carol Hubbard for letting me know that it would absolutely shock you who is paying attention.
Anae: Many people act out of a “code” or a set of beliefs which dictate choices. It may be religion or politics or a personal philosophy. To what extent did you act by a code or act independently of any set of beliefs? Were there times when the code was challenging and impossible to follow?
Joli: I act out of my own “code”, my own rules. When I am on the right path there is no challenge. I am a better person as “myself” than I am trying to be something that someone else says I should be.
Anae: What do you think it means to be a hero? Are you a “hero?” Do you think others think you are a hero?
Joli: I am sure it is fascinating… (And she laughs.) If I am a hero no one has told me.
Anae: If you wanted to say one thing to the world about how you became who you are what would it be?
Joli: I didn’t come this way…I had to work at it.
Anae: What is the single greatest moment you recall about your transitions in life?
Joli: That everything has a balance and no matter how hard you think it is you are made to handle it. The greatest moment is all moments mixed together.